About Us
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About Us

We began as a small Town Planning Consultancy in 2005 to provide services to developers and builders who were overcome with growing frustrations experienced from their local governments. Now, whilst still small, we provide a vast range of services to a vast range of clients locally, and Australia wide from the smallest subdivision to some of the largest public infrastructure projects Australia has seen in decades.

Our size allows us to provide a personal one on one service to all our clients so that each and every issue is carefully addressed and resolved to our client’s greatest satisfaction. We have a very specialised skill set that encompasses Town Planning, Subdivision, Commercial & Residential Design, Surveying, Construction, and Project Management from conception to occupancy.


I have been fortunate in my life to find passion in my career. My overwhelming desire and life mission today is to leave a better world for tomorrow through sustainable planning, progressive development ideals, well thought design, and a constant vision for our future.

Giving back to the community is incredibly important to me. I have been privileged to contribute back to the local and broader communities that helped evolve me to who I am today. For the past 22 years I’ve actively been involved with my local sporting clubs taking on roles as Coach, club Committee Member, Secretary, Vice President and club volunteering. In more recent years I’ve taken a stronger involvement with our All Abilities sporting community where men with mental and physical handicaps are given the life changing opportunity to be an active and integral part of a football club. Since my early adulthood in the late 1990’s I have volunteered my time to Local Church Groups, numerous environmental protection organisations, the art community, the prisoners of Perth’s maximum security prisons, disadvantaged juvenile offenders, and contributed regularly as an Indigenous Community Volunteer.

When you engage with my team and I at Planning Horizons, you will find that we are more than just professionals. We are passionate members of our community, who are focused on achieving the best not only for our clients, but for all our futures too.